Besides lackluster warehouse conditions and drivers peeing in bottles, Amazon has another secret it's been hiding from you...

You probably wear the blood and sweat of Uyghur’s on your back every day.

Since 2017, sold over $8 Billion worth of slave-produced products, and counting.


It was and always will be wrong to enslave another human. Profiting off genocide is an unthinkable crime that Amazon must correct. Forego a few billion in profits. Money talks. It would be the single most important thing Amazon could do in the entirety of its 27 year existence.

Sleight of hand

  • All goods made with forced labor ("nice” term for slavery) have been banned in the United States since 1930 under the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which was enhanced in 2016 by President Obama.
  • Amazon’s FBA program has enabled slave-produced products to be snuck into the U.S., with the true product origin hidden under the guise of being shipped from America-located FBA centers.
  • The origin of these products and the fact they are slave-produced, is unknown to customers.
  • Nearly 90% of Chinese cotton is slave-produced.
  • Given that Amazon has not banned Chinese cotton, this number alone corroborates Amazon's complicity.